Well, imagine a situation..you're going to market for buying lots and lots of things! And the market which you have chosen is the best in the city though on the way there are markets providing the same stuff. Suppose you have to settle for a new house! You've a lot of money! Lot of! You reach the market, buy all the things and you're still left with a good amount. Same as what you've spent. You're on your way back to home. It is really very far and you have to walk. The bag which you are carrying has now become overloaded and you're finding difficult to handle it. But you've to manage! You keep on walking uncomfortably but yes, you are alone and there's no one to help you out. Suddenly, a thing gets out of your bag and falls down. You are helpless! You know that if you bent down, other things may also fall the same way. You wish to pick it up but remember that you still have a good amount and can buy the same thing from the coming shop. Reaching the shop, you buy the same thing and transfer some of the things to the new bag. It makes you feel a little comfort though it hasn't affected much. After some more distance it happens again and another thing falls down. Yes, you get irritated but as you still have some money left, you visit a shop some meters away only. You again do the same, buy and then transfer the overloaded material. These things happen, many times and finally you get comfortable with your stuff. The journey gets over and you reach your home. So, this is what our life is! The market you have chosen, is certainly the best life you been given and all the things you are carrying are the things which make you feel happy, which make you feel satisfied! Yes, you'll have to struggle a lot and many of those happiness will fall down but you know there are many on the way! If you try to pick the fallen one you definitely lose others too! The money is the smile that you pass on to others. Soon, the things become comfortable and your life happening to you! You start loving the way, you enjoy it and the destiny which you'll reach is your death! On the way, you find many great moments, which become your memories - CAPTURE THEM! Live the most of it! All you've come here is to LIVE! Nothing else!
Little do we realize how stronger are pens than swords. This blog carries some small efforts to turn perceptions into words. Read, enjoy, suggest and share.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Lesson of life
Well, imagine a situation..you're going to market for buying lots and lots of things! And the market which you have chosen is the best in the city though on the way there are markets providing the same stuff. Suppose you have to settle for a new house! You've a lot of money! Lot of! You reach the market, buy all the things and you're still left with a good amount. Same as what you've spent. You're on your way back to home. It is really very far and you have to walk. The bag which you are carrying has now become overloaded and you're finding difficult to handle it. But you've to manage! You keep on walking uncomfortably but yes, you are alone and there's no one to help you out. Suddenly, a thing gets out of your bag and falls down. You are helpless! You know that if you bent down, other things may also fall the same way. You wish to pick it up but remember that you still have a good amount and can buy the same thing from the coming shop. Reaching the shop, you buy the same thing and transfer some of the things to the new bag. It makes you feel a little comfort though it hasn't affected much. After some more distance it happens again and another thing falls down. Yes, you get irritated but as you still have some money left, you visit a shop some meters away only. You again do the same, buy and then transfer the overloaded material. These things happen, many times and finally you get comfortable with your stuff. The journey gets over and you reach your home. So, this is what our life is! The market you have chosen, is certainly the best life you been given and all the things you are carrying are the things which make you feel happy, which make you feel satisfied! Yes, you'll have to struggle a lot and many of those happiness will fall down but you know there are many on the way! If you try to pick the fallen one you definitely lose others too! The money is the smile that you pass on to others. Soon, the things become comfortable and your life happening to you! You start loving the way, you enjoy it and the destiny which you'll reach is your death! On the way, you find many great moments, which become your memories - CAPTURE THEM! Live the most of it! All you've come here is to LIVE! Nothing else!
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